Good vs. Evil Movie Trailer


Can Brother Go Against Brother?

Eric and Roderick were born as evil twins, and spent their childhood years learning the evils of evil from their evil parents. The boys became so evil that they even turned on thier parents and committed evil against them.

But in a movie twist that can only be forced and not natural, one of the young men finds Jesus when a local pastor is introduced into his life through a small town coffee shop encounter. As Eric, the newly-minted, clean-cut, and eager Christian grows in his faith, he is faced with a new challenge. Only he can stop his evil twin brother from destroying the world through shady arms dealings, pornography, and abortion clinic funding.

Eric must face this, his greatest challenge. Can he stop his brother? Can he, in the third act, pull off a dramatic persuasive speech which ends with his brother repenting and the brothers crying in eachother's arms, or will he have to be forced to kill him in a controversial move that will cause division throughout Christian moviedom? Watch the movie and find out!

Good vs. Evil Movie

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This special Director's Cut edition of Good vs. Evil Movie contains both the theatrical and Director's Cut of the movie and 3 featurettes, including the making of the movie and a blooper reel. See behind the scenes as the actors prepare for their roles, and sit in during a prayer meeting with the cast and crew, led by the actor that played the movie's pastor, real-life pastor and not a really good actor Billy Wayne.

Good vs. Evil Movie:
Unrated Director's Cut


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