Thank you for your interest in Processing with a Purpose! One of our team will contact you shortly to discuss how we can start to save you money.

Credit Card processing from a company that shares our vision.

Save money and support the National Center of Sexual Exploitation, when you switch your merchant services provider.

The National Center of Sexual Exploitation is pleased to offer a unique opportunity for businesses and ministries to save money on credit card processing while developing ongoing support for NCOSE. Cornerstone Payment Systems believes in the vital work of our organization. When you choose to save money on your processing with Cornerstone, they will donate back to NCOSE a percentage of profits generated from your processing volume for as long as your business processes with them.


Simple Application

48 Hour Turnaround

Risk Management

Custom Programs

Cornerstone Payment Systems is so confident that they can lower your processing rate, they guarantee it.If Cornerstone is unable to do so, they will pay Processing With A Purpose® referring partner $500.*

Cornerstone offers a full compliment of merchant processing services for our clients. Through our Cornerstone Payment Systems Network, we authorize and settle transactions.

*Two recent merchant statements are required in order to provide an analysis for this guarantee.