“In every city town and village, there is one place for healing and hope and that is the church!” ~ Rick Warren
Through a close collaboration with the 50,000 member American Association of Christian Counselors, the PAIR Up Program primary goal is to equip and train 10,000 churches in America as certified PAIR Hope Centers to be an effective, immediate and accessible resource for help and healing to those battling for their lives against the tragedy of suicide.
The mission of the church is to “… heal the broken-hearted” in its community. The local church is already integrated as a life-line to the community. Local church members provide an army of watchman and first responders to alert and PAIR Up those who are at-risk.
Church leadership and caregivers once trained through PAIR Certification have proven effective to save lives, renew hope and nurture at-risk individuals to build a Christ honoring future for themselves and their families.
The PAIR Certified Hope Center will provide emergency rescue and recovery for teens, middle aged men and women, the elderly, the disabled, Veterans, those struggling with addictions and emotional disorders. People at-risk of suicide from all walks of life, all ethnicities, cultures and faiths will find hope and healing at the PAIR Certified Hope Center.

Bonus Veterans Program
Each PAIR Certified Hope Center
will also be equipped with our intentionally developed PAIR Certification Program Military Version to save the lives of our Veteran Heroes.

20/20 Vision is a 4-year capital campaign to provide the resources to save the lives of an estimated 40,000 suicide victims every year. This 4 year campaign is designed to self-fund in order to bring hope and healing for generations to come. Together we can build a Future of Hope for those who have lost their hope!